Practical Approaches for Environmental Awareness-Raising and Education to Protect Armenia’s Rich Biodiversity
Practical approaches for environmental awareness-raising and education are critical nowadays, as, more than ever, it is vital for people to acknowledge the importance of biodiversity, as well as to learn about the various ways of protecting it. Biodiversity conservation can only be achieved if people acquire knowledge and motivation, engagement and responsibility needed to protect the natural resources. The awareness-raising of the public can be increased with the help of such practical tools as digital applications, social spots, educational movies, and engaging mini-campaigns. Taking this into consideration, the RA Ministry of Environment jointly with GIZ recently launched an environmental awareness-raising campaign in Armenia, which included mass media, presentations and screenings, talks, exhibitions, and other interactive techniques, addressing the public. In the framework of the campaign, visualized and practical approaches were effectively used to clearly show the importance of biodiversity, such as rare and threatened plant and animal species, and of nature protection in general.