This May Vienna hosted 9th annual European Newspaper Congress, supported by Japan Tobacco International. Regional Post was among over 500 media experts who discussed the most important media related topics.
The Congress’s main focus areas cover media content, design and strategy. This year’s event’s program had 24 topics to discuss, including Media digital transformation, Constructive journalism, Newsroom of the future, The power of data and others. They were presented by such speakers like Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern, “Die Zeit” editor in chief Giovanni Di Lorenzo and others.
A special attention was paid on Central Europe and post-Soviet space: media projects from Serbia and Romania were presented, and panel discussion on media landscape in CIS+ (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine and Georgia) were organized.
One of the most popular spots during the Congress was The Future of Brands, an interactive exhibition that explores and predicts the future of companies in the not-too-distant future. Guests were briefed and explained the exhibition concept and key messages.
During the Congress winners of European Newspaper Awards (Newspaper Design & Concept) organized by newspaper designer Norbert Küpper were announced. They were chosen among 191 newspapers from 27 countries. “Hufvudstadsbladet” from Finland was named as the Local newspaper of the year, “Het Parool” from The Netherlands was the best in the Regional newspaper category, “Politiken” from Denmark – Nationwide newspaper of the year and German “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung” became Weekly newspaper of the year.