Istanbul-based Hrant Dink Foundation was awarded The Chirac Foundation 2017 Chirac Prize for Conflict Prevention. The decision was made at the foundation’s convention in September. The ceremony took place on November 23 in Quai Branly Museum in Paris. It was attended by French President Emmanuel Macron.
The statement by the foundation acknowledges Hrant Dink Foundation's contribution to the development of a culture of dialogue, empathy, and peace. “At a time when hundreds of thousands of refugees are passing through the territories of Turkey, the foundation’s preemptive efforts to eradicate hate speech in the media through discourse analysis, media monitoring, and education programs do constitute an immediate and determined act for preventing conflicts.”
The Chirac Foundation was established is 2008 by the former French president Jacques Chirac. Along with conflict prevention, it advocates for healthcare, cultural diversity, access to clean water, etc.
Hrant Dink was a Turkish-Armenian journalist killed by a nationalist in Istanbul in 2007. The foundation was established by journalists' wife Rakel Dink the same year.